2022 Year in Review
Take a look at the wonderful impacts made in 2022! Our work would not be possible without our dedicated and passionate partners, donors, and parent leaders.
“Being a mom 24 hours a day with no break, no help, and what seems like no way out is hard. There is way too much pressure on moms in the beginning. I am so glad First 1,000 Days exists.”
“I am thankful I was told about you. You have provided me with so many blessings, it makes me cry. I don’t always get enough credit about being a good mom but you remind me. I believe that everyone comes to your life for a reason. Thank you”
Brain Development
At Sarasota Memorial Health Care System , 4,000+ new parents have been educated and sent home with a brain development bag, which includes activities and tools to track their child's development.
First 1,000 Days distributed 3,000 grow kits for families to build their own gardens and encourage parents to be their child's first teacher.
400 bags were distributed to DeSoto county that included wipes and baby food.
In partnership with Suncoast Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, we promote Vroom By Text, which shares age-appropriate activities to do with children up to age 5.
Parents as Leaders
“You were there when I felt stuck. I wanted to give back to the people that gave so much to me by donating… It does my heart justice to help others that are in need.”
Parents are at the heart of the work. Their feedback and lived experience are invaluable. The initiative has empowered parents to lead and support others who are struggling.
First 1,000 Days held Parent Focus Groups at ten partner agencies with 140 mothers, fathers, foster parents, and grandparents. Twenty parents have joined the initiative's Parent Advisory Committee.
Partnering to Meet Needs
Unintentional drowning is the leading cause of child death in Florida.
During our focus groups in the Suncoast region, parents reported that swim lessons were a top need.
This year, we had the amazing opportunity to partner with Aqua-Tots Swim School to provide 234 free swim lessons to families.
Helping the Helpers
First 1,000 Days supports professionals so that they can better care for themselves & the hundreds of families they help in the community. Our team partnered with Sarasota County Department of Health and Multicultural Health Institute to create Navigator Workgroups. The purpose of these groups is to: mitigate the effects of compassion- fatigue, prevent burnout & reduce staff turnover.
Care Coordination
Difficulty navigating the system was a top barrier to care identified by families and professionals. First 1,000 Days spearheaded a system-wide enhancement for the entire region. Unite Us, an electronic platform, enables professionals to send secure referrals for social, medical, and mental health needs on behalf of families. Families are also assisted by the First 1,000 Days Nurse Navigator to ensure they get the care they need.
Now, every mother who delivers at Sarasota Memorial Hospital is screened for social needs and referred to non-profit partners!
Perinatal Mental Health Hub
Professionals and parents identified lack of access to mental health services and difficulty navigating the system as two of the top barriers to care in the zero to three population. We’re developing a Perinatal Mental Health Coordination Bub in partnership with Healthy Start Coalitions of Sarasota and Manatee counties. This is a place where any pregnant or postpartum individual struggling with mental health concerns can reach out, have a screening performed, and then get connected with community services through the Unite Us platform.
CLICK HERE to learn more and get involved!
Join the Unite Us network to address social determinants of health needs and send closed-loop electronic referrals for families to medical, mental health, and social services.
If you provide mental health services for pregnant and postpartum individuals and want to join our effort, please contact us at First1000Days@smh.com
Interested in joining our email roster OR meeting the team? Email First1000Days@smh.com to get started!
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We Thank You!
Our Team - from left to right
Janice Houchins
Relations Coordinator
Dr. Chelsea Arnold
Initiative Manager
Siena Kelley
Community Support Specialist
Tina Wilson
Family Navigator
Click on our names if you need to get in touch via email!